目前分類:未分類文章 (258)
- Nov 30 Tue 2021 04:03
戴愛玲憶舊情暴哭中斷錄音 認過去不自愛:不認識自己
- Nov 29 Mon 2021 03:25
饒舌歌手外型穿洞又刺青 快嘴Diss:出淤泥而不染
憑饒舌團體「8Ball」發跡的HowZ,他也是E.SO「Outta Body」專輯的固定演出嘉賓,從去年開始個人活動的他推出新單曲「蓮 Lotus」,並受邀於12月5日「500趴」演出,他表示:「非常期待我的粉絲朋友們能感受到這次發片之後的我,可以說是HowZ 2.0。」
- Nov 27 Sat 2021 07:23
譚詠麟撇睡23歲粉絲 綠帽男友再發2照嗆:不要激怒我
- Nov 24 Wed 2021 02:07
- Nov 22 Mon 2021 01:07
Low-intensity interval training can be as effective as HIIT
- Nov 20 Sat 2021 08:04
蘋果日前發表4款新5G版iPhone,包括5.4吋iPhone12 mini、6.1吋iPhone 12、6.1吋iPhone 12 Pro,以及6.7吋iPhone 12 Pro Max。其中iPhone 12和iPhone 12 Pro在23日出貨。
- Nov 16 Tue 2021 00:49
盧廣仲肖當海鮮直播主 網購勵志「錢變喜歡的樣子」
電商平台演唱會今於台北小巨蛋登場,以主題「預見更好的自己BE YOUNIQUE」為號召,集結吳青峰、盧廣仲、瘦子E.SO、?te壞特、八三夭、茄子蛋、告五人和閻奕格攜手開唱;盧廣仲首唱新歌「自我的介紹」,主辦單位在演唱會前9天邀請藝人上網路購物直播推銷東西當「帶貨王」,盧廣仲自認沒經驗、無法勝任,搞笑表示:「在學生時期只有偶爾幫同學買手搖杯,如果有機會當直播主,我還滿想嘗試賣海鮮,感覺好玩又健康!」
- Nov 14 Sun 2021 06:30
課程名稱︰微波系統導論 課程性質︰選修 課程教師︰盧信嘉 開課學院:電資學院 開課系所︰電機工程學系 考試日期(年月日)︰2008/11/17 考試時限(分鐘):3小時 是否需發放獎勵金: (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 是 note: Open book1mhz to 70ghz any type antenna 試題 : Introduction to Microwave Systems Midterm examination 1. (10pts) Please plot the following two traces from 1GHz to 3GHz on Smith chart. Please indicate the frequencies at both ends of the traces and Zo = 50 Ohm a. Zin trace for a 40 Ohm resistor in series with a 4nH inductor. b. Yin trace for a 100 Ohm resistor in parallel with a 0.6pF capacitor 2. (10pts) Fig 2.13 shows a matched 3dB attenuator. Find resistor values for a matched 10dB attenuator. 3. (30pts) The measured two-tone test of a receiver is given at Fig. P3. a. Find its output IP3, gain and P1dB. b. The noise figure of the receiver is 6dB. If the receiver is fed with an antenna with noise temperature Ta = 100K, and the desired output SNR is 15dB, find the linear and spurious free dynamic range. Assume the receiver bandwidth is 200MHz. c. If ASK and basic threshold detection is used, what is the BER? 4. (15pts) The signal received by a GPS receiver is about only -130dBm using a 0dB gain antenna at earth surface at L1 band. a. Can you use a hign-gain antenna to increase the received signal level? Please give your reason to support your answer. b. What is the required EIRP at satellite? The satellite orbit is 20,200km above earth. Assume only free space propagation. 5. (10%) A reflector antenna used for a cellular base-station backhaul point-to-point radio link operating at 38GHz, with gain of 32dB. If the radiation efficiency is 60%, find the beamwidth of the antenna if the main beam is assumed to have equal beamwidths in both planes. 6. (15pts) We will design a 3rd order Butterworth low pass filter with cutoff frequency at 3.0GHz. There are two possible implementations: started from capacitor or inductor. Please calculate all component values for both cases. Larger inductance usually takes more substrate area. Please comment on both cases based on this criterion. 7. (10pts) The textbook uses W <- -Wc/W to transform low-pass filters into highpass filters. Is it necessary to have the minus sign in the transformation? Please give the explanation to support your answer.
- Nov 12 Fri 2021 07:18
許維恩與王家梁林口登記結婚正式成人妻 現場照曝光
- Nov 10 Wed 2021 14:06
友人結婚掌家業 男星參訪寺廟受啟發
- Nov 09 Tue 2021 01:54
金宣虎平反前女友醜聞回歸了 下架廣告再度重啟
- Nov 07 Sun 2021 19:44
Logitech POP MOUSE 無線藍牙滑鼠今日首賣沿襲一鍵發送EMOJI 自訂表情符號功能
- Nov 06 Sat 2021 15:01
[專業] matched filter
- Nov 05 Fri 2021 03:23
The horn antenna is a broadband passive device, shaped like a pyramid horn, referred to as a TEM antenna, which guides the beam of radio waves at a precise frequency. FT-RF s have frequency capabilities ranging from 400MHz to 40GHz depending on type and style.
FT-RF can adjust the connector and increase the waterproof mechanism and can be combined with multiple antennas.
- Nov 03 Wed 2021 03:08
第12屆金音創作獎頒獎典禮倒數6天,將在高雄流行音樂中心登場,跨海邀請日本經典電子樂團電気グルーヴ DENKI GROOVE、「鬼滅之刃」主題曲原唱LiSA擔任頒獎人,消息曝光後讓歌迷津津樂道,直呼期待。
- Nov 01 Mon 2021 08:25
Top 10 Best Long Range TV Antennas For The Money 2020 Reviews
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- Oct 31 Sun 2021 08:45
詹雅雯罹患帕金森氏症首開唱 確定聖誕節登小巨蛋
- Oct 29 Fri 2021 03:29
The is a passive device, shaped like a pyramid horn, referred to as a TEM antenna, which guides the beam of radio waves at a precise frequency. FT- Double Ridged s have frequency capabilities ranging from 400MHz to 40GHz depending on type and style.
FT- can adjust the connector and increase the waterproof mechanism and can be combined with multiple antennas.
- Oct 27 Wed 2021 02:25
練習生投稿試唱髮捲未拆、背景雜亂 閻奕格:可惜了
- Oct 26 Tue 2021 09:04
陸綜抄襲《魷魚遊戲》相似度99%!網怒嗆丟人 08:57